How Many Dates Before Your Relationship Is Official?

That will let them know you aren’t ready for exclusivity yet. Don’t lead them on and make them think you are ready for commitment. So, in a casual relationship, it’s important to be upfront and honest with the other person right from the beginning. Another sign you are ready to be official is that you both have incorporated one another into your lives fully. “It’s about how much space the other person is taking in your brain,” says Kahan.

If you want them to be honest with you, meet them halfway.

“Serious conversations about where we are going and what we are doing should really be done in person.” It might seem like a great idea to jump into commitment, but have you considered the pros and the cons? On the pro side, you enjoy the person’s company, and you would have constant companionship. These are really important questions you need to ask yourself – and your partner – in order to be realistic about whether you should get serious or not. Sure, they may tell you to stick around, but if you want something more and they don’t, you’re only going to get hurt.

We suggest you take your time before you rush into a relationship. However, if a casual relationship isn’t well defined with understood rules, then there can be misunderstandings. One person could feel like they are being led on if there are different expectations. So, there needs to be a mutual understanding and agreement to avoid getting hurt. Also, many couples don’t actually talk about becoming exclusive, they just sort of naturally progress.

“If you can understand how the other person feels and really be able to express yourself, that’s what a couple should be working on.” There are many times when a couple who is casually dating decides that they want to become committed. Maybe they’re spent a lot of time together and they realize that they don’t really want anyone else.

Keep to your standards and don’t change your needs. Don’t be the person who talks about this while staring at their phone the entire time. They’re not going to take you seriously if you act like that. If you act anxiously and without confidence, it’ll make them think you’re not entirely sure what you’re talking about. Many people make the mistake of letting go of their hobbies and interests once they find someone new.

If they don’t bring it up, then it’s safe to say they just want to casually date you and have no intentions of making it serious. Now, if you’re wondering how to go from casual to exclusive, that’s a different story. But we’re going to help you out and show you the best ways to take a casual relationship to exclusivity. The most important thing, whether you are initiating the conversation about being serious or responding to it, is to be honest. “The more a person is emotionally healthy or psychologically healthy, the less they are willing to let it coast along and say, ‘It’s ok, it’s ok,'” says Kahan. “A relationship needs to really feel good. You can’t lie to yourself.”

My Life

At the end of the day, it all depends on what you are feeling for each other. If you have doubts about them, then you’re probably not going to jump into a serious relationship right away. When you are casually dating someone, it might start as a fling, or it could start with expectations of it leading to something more serious.

Can casual dating become serious?

“Do you want to be narrow-minded in terms of focusing on this relationship as opposed to being curious about other people? That is a clue that you are getting serious.” Once you get to know each other, increase the frequency of your meet-ups slowly. You can meet them twice a week if you are attracted to them. But the frequency of meetings entirely depends on you both.

Maintain emotional integrity in relationships by always being honest about your feelings. If you are starting to fall for them, let them know. Stop as soon as you think you’re developing feelings for them, or as soon as it seems you’re not on the same page as them. That’s when casual dating turns serious, or messy. So how do ‘you’ feel about the person you’re seeing?

Reads for Women

You spend all your time with them and forget to give time to other aspects of your life. Follow us on Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest and we promise, we’ll be your lucky charm to a beautiful love life. Maybe they’re in love with you and want a serious relationship. If you’ve decided to end the relationship if they don’t want the same things as you, then you need to stick to your decision. Sometimes you can feel it moving towards something more serious because you are incorporating each other into your lives in a more meaningful way.

Remember, there is potential for transition from casual to serious dating here. That depends on how your feelings have progressed over the course of knowing them. According to a study published in the journal Sex Roles, which surveyed 221 college students, both men and women actually prefer dating to hooking up. There’s no timeline when it comes to knowing how long should you casually date someone. Whatever you and your partner feel comfortable doing, then do it. Just make sure you communicate with each other.

So, it’s important to keep your eye on the relationship and see when things shift – for better or for worse. When it comes to dating, this is a common question. So, how long should you casually date someone? Sarah Kahan is a licensed clinical social worker in Brooklyn who helps individuals and couples navigate relationships.