Dating An Autistic Woman: How To Make It Right

I know that’s my inability to cope, manage or control a situation. Spouses with Asperger’s can initially meet a need within the relationships and these traits can often be seen as attractive. But there are certain challenges that you must be aware of if you are contemplating living with Aspergers spouse. Again, this is false — people on the spectrum are just as capable of expressing love and affection as anyone else.

Prioritizing Open And Honest Communication

Within a society that holds different social expectations for men and women in marriage, the dynamics within each partnership would have its own individual presentation. Additionally, with other layers of unions that involve, interracial, same-sex, physical or mental abilities would present with their own layers of challenges and strengths. Other tensions within a marriage such as finances and children can add other layers of stress on top of living with Aspergers spouse.

Keep in mind that their blunt honesty also applies to positive feedback — and if this is the reaction you get, you can savor and enjoy it. You’ll need to clearly communicate your wishes and preferences, plus the things you don’t like. We hope you enjoyed this brief guide for dating someone with Asperger’s and we would love to hear your feedback in our comments section.

I have tried reading novels and stuff in the past but I can never get properly into them, and it just feels like I’m looking at a bunch of words on a page instead of a story. I feel terrible for doing it but I do it ALL THE TIME! I scored 38 on this test, but I don’t want to be one of those people that does an online test and instantly accepts that they have that condition. I’ve been looking into depression and bi-polar disorders and have shown symptoms, but at the end of the day I’m not a doctor so I can’t say for sure that’s what’s wrong with me. But I think getting a high score on this test as well as a few for depression has made me think that I should go see a doctor.

Dating with Asperger’s in 2023: Things to Know, Pros, and Cons

E.g. a friend of mine stewards for a theatre, so gets to watch shows for free. I personally like gardening, but it’s just a hobby. I would like to teach ballet 1 to 1 but it would be difficult to fit in at the moment.

Sensory issues is an area that can be very problematic for an AS individual and may constitute a serious problem in the intimate and sexual relationship. The partner with AS can be hypersensitive to physical contact, body odor, taste and other sensory stimuli. Many neuro typical spouses recount their unhappiness when their partner does not want to kiss or be caressed, and they then suffer the AS-partner’s rejection of physical and emotional intimacy. Sometimes we can misrepresent ourselves during social situations. For instance saying to the teacher, “I never do my homework” the teacher thought you were being a smart-ass but really you werne’t trying to be one; you were just trying to tell the truth.

With patience, dedication, and communication, you can make it work and help the non-native learn the language of romance. A person on the autism spectrum goes through a meltdown when they temporarily lose control because of their emotional responses to various environmental factors. Often, the syndrome comes with feelings of anxiety, which makes it difficult for those with it to deal with choice.

There’s no medical ‘test’ for diagnosing Asperger’s

Topics of interest may entangle them so much that they leave no room for interaction in a conversation. It may appear rude, but they are simply passionate about a hobby, their rare collection, or a famous person of interest. Their communication may be more factual than usual.

Social interactions can become more difficult as a result of this, resulting in an awkward and isolated environment. It’s no surprise, then, that people with Asperger’s are more likely to develop bipolar disorder. Aspergers Syndrome symptoms can be difficult to identify in children. They may appear shy or awkward around others, but they also have a passion for specific topics. It is possible that they do not understand other people’s emotions or have limited facial expressions.

A person might struggle with reading others’ body language, identifying nonverbal emotional cues, maintaining eye contact, or making age-typical facial expressions such as smiling. I’ve never been good at approaching/confronting people at all. I originally found out about this Syndrome when reading a book and found it matched a lot like me; The lack of Empathy and Sympathy, and I’m wondering whether a lack of Guilt is another symptom. The information handed to me was quite limited, unfortunately.

Asperger’s Syndrome specifically lies within the higher-functioning end of the autism spectrum. For example, an autistic girlfriend may excel at pattern recognition or have an amazing memory for details but might find non-verbal cues like body language challenging to interpret. Asperger’s is a milder form of autism that affects people in a more social manner and uses less nonverbal communication. There may be some patients who exhibit restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. Their learning disabilities are not as severe as those of autistic people, but they may also have learning difficulties.

This means that there are many different kinds of autism – as many as there are autistic people. Learning about your friend’s autism can help you better understand them. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that can affect a person’s feelings, behavior, and social interaction.